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Mar. 22, 2020 – Vanderbilt reinforces remote work protocol as Metro Public Health issues Safer at Home Order

Posted by on Sunday, March 22, 2020 in Community Messages.

Vanderbilt University is further reinforcing remote work protocols following the Safer at Home Order issued by the Nashville Metro Public Health Department on March 22.

Vanderbilt instituted a remote work period for university staff on March 13, except for those whose work was deemed to be essential to on-campus operations; the remote work period currently goes through April 11. The remote work directive followed a March 11 announcement on the university’s transition to online and alternative learning for the remainder of the semester; all undergraduate residential students who were able to do so moved off campus by March 15.

Online and alternative education will continue as planned; faculty should teach courses remotely and not come to campus. Faculty and students should participate in online and alternative education in situations that allow them to maintain social distancing protocols recommended by the CDC.