
The undergraduate Commencement ceremony at GEODIS Park is a ticketed event.  

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Each graduate is allotted up to eight guest tickets.
  • Graduates may request additional tickets by filling out the request form—one request form per graduate that was sent to graduates via email. Additional ticket requests will be accommodated as efficiently as possible.
  • Graduates do not need a ticket for themselves.
  • Children ages 3 and younger do not require a ticket.
  • Students must claim tickets for their guests.
  • All tickets are digital and are administered by GEODIS Park / Nashville SC and are subject to GEODIS Park rules and regulations.
  • Once tickets are claimed, you must transfer tickets to guests from within the ticketing website. Graduates and guests will enter through different gates. View a guide for transferring tickets
  • Tickets are free of charge and are general admission. Selling Commencement tickets is strictly prohibited.
  • Family and guests who are unable to attend in person can watch the Commencement ceremony live on the Vanderbilt University website.


  • Is there an option to receive a physical ticket?

    All tickets will be digital and accessible only through a mobile device.

  • What if a guest doesn’t have a mobile device?

    Their ticket would need to be assigned to someone who does have a mobile device, and they would enter together. Multiple tickets can be on one device.

  • I forgot my device or wasn’t able to claim tickets, can I get tickets day on Commencement day?

    Yes. A will-call window will be open with a limited number of tickets available for guests who aren’t able to reserve tickets ahead of time.  Please have ID ready to present.