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Maritime Shipping Decarbonization

VCCI conducts critical research and analysis on decarbonization of the maritime shipping sector, with a special focus on the inland waterway sector. The maritime shipping sector is recognized as a hard-to-abate sector when it comes to green house gas (GHG) emission reductions. This is because, unlike other transportation sectors that rely generally on one type of vehicle with similar operational parameters wherever it operates (such as trucks or trains), maritime vessels have a huge variety of sizes and operational needs and differences that make any single approach to decarbonization unlikely.  What works for a small “fleet boat” that operates in limited geographical areas close to shore in 12-hour shifts will not likely be appropriate for larger vessels that navigate the lock and dam systems of the Mississippi River or even for large coastal or ocean going vessels.  Numerous other factors contribute to the challenges of decarbonization, while at the same time presenting huge opportunities to meet these challenges in a way that contributes positively across multiple energy and transportation sectors. Together with multiple partners, including non profits the American Bureau of Shipping, Blue Sky Maritime Coalition, and others, Vanderbilt is making important contributions to this fast evolving area.