Childcare Program

Eligibility & Enrollment

Section Contents


All full-time, benefits-eligible Vanderbilt University employees, post-doctoral scholars, and full-time, degree-seeking students may submit an application for The Acorn School waiting list. 

How to Apply

To be placed on the waitlist, a parent must submit a registration form with a $100 non-refundable application fee.

The Acorn School admits children through rolling enrollment year-round as age match (child’s date of birth) spots become available.

Required Enrollment Forms

Once you've been offered and accepted a spot in the childcare program, complete and return these required documents no later than 5 days before your child's start date.

Current enrolled Acorn families have until June 16 to submit the required updated documents to their site director for children to be able to attend school after August 1.

Required Well Child Examination and Certificate of Immunization

Before the child is accepted into care, VCFC requires a Tennessee Department of Health Official Immunization Certificate AND documentation, signed or stamped by a physician or licensed medical provider, that states the child has completed a well-child examination. 

Well Child Examination and Certificate of Immunization should be emailed to or faxed to 615-322-1530.

While VCFC will kindly provide a reminder several weeks in advance, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to submit documentation of required childhood immunizations, as these are updated and in the time necessary, or the child will not be allowed to attend The Acorn School. 

Re-enrollment of Current Students

All currently enrolled children are presumed to be continuing with The Acorn School next year and classroom planning for August 2025 will reflect this assumption. The exception to this rule is children turning five years of age by August 2025 are assumed to be moving into a kindergarten program – parents will indicate at their Spring Parent-Teacher conference if they intend to keep their five-year-old child one more year at The Acorn School. 

Parent/guardian completes and submits the updated enrollment packet by June 15, 2025. Forms not received by this date will result in disenrollment (effective July 31st) as the child will not be placed on the class list for the upcoming school year. Forms will be available on the VCFC website under The Acorn School tab by May 1, 2025. 

  • Parents will be informed of class placement by July 18, 2025. 
  • Classroom Teacher Meet and Greet is August 1st. 
  • Children start in their new class on Monday, August 4, 2025. 


Thirty days' written notice or the financial equivalent of one month’s tuition is required for disenrollment.