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Meet with a Student Care Coordinator

For students who have been to SCC before:

You can reach out to the Student Care Coordinator you worked with previously by phone or email. You may also call 615-343-WELL to schedule a follow-up appointment.


For students new to the SCC:

In an effort to meet students varying needs, the SCC will be offering the following appointments types:

  • In-person Appointments, located in Rand Hall, Suite 305
  • Virtual Appointments, via zoom or phone

If you would like to meet with your Care Coordinator in person and on campus, please choose the In-Person option on the intake form AND select an In-Person Intake Appointment slot on the Student Portal.

If you would like to meet with your Care Coordinator by phone or zoom, please share your preference for zoom or phone on the intake form AND choose a Virtual Intake Appointment slot on the Student Portal. For all zoom appointments, the zoom link will be automatically sent to your Student Portal homepage at least 60 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.

If this is an emergency, please do not follow these steps. Go to your nearest Emergency Room, call VUPD at (615)-421-1911, or 911 off-campus.
If you have an urgent crisis, you can visit Urgent Care Counseling at the University Counseling Center during the hours of 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. (10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. during the summer) or call the UCC After-Hours line at (615) 322-2571.


Complete Student Care Coordination Intake Form

Upon completion of this assessment, you will be directed to the Student Portal where you can schedule a 30-minute in-person or virtual appointment with a Student Care Coordinator

When you meet with a Care Coordinator, you will review your Intake Form and discuss any other concerns you may be having. Together, you will develop a student success plan, identify resources that may provide you with support, and schedule a follow-up meeting with a Student Care Coordinator. Your meeting with a Care Coordinator is not therapy or counseling, but is an opportunity to discuss and get connected to resources that best meet your current needs, which may include therapy or counseling.