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Gillette House

Silver Certified; Year Achieved: 2008

Primary environmentally-friendly features that achieve LEED certification by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) are as follows:

  • Fifty-two percent of waste generated during construction was diverted from the landfill.
  • Many local manufacturers and materials were selected to reduce the environmental impact related to transportation of the products. Fifty percent of project materials were obtained from within 500 miles of the site.
  • Efficient mechanical systems were selected, reducing energy usage by approximately 20%.
  • Reflective roofing, light colored concrete, and tree-plantings were utilized so that the amount of solar energy absorbed by the building and site is minimized, reducing the urban “heat island” effect.
  • Atriums and stairwells allow maximum natural lighting, also called “daylighting.”
  • Recycled glass is incorporated into terrazzo floors.
  • Bamboo was used for flooring and furniture because its rapid growth-rate allows for faster replenishment.
  • The dormitories use low-flow and waterfree fixtures to reduce their overall potable water consumption.
  • Pervious pavement allows rainwater to pass through paving and recharge the groundwater, reducing the development’s impact on neighboring streams.
  • All HVAC equipment used on this project meets strict guidelines to ensure very little leakage of HCFCs.
  • All materials, paints, adhesives, sealants, and carpets used in Commons Residence Houses contain little or no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • All residence houses have accessible aluminum, plastic, paper, and cardboard recycling, and each room is furnished with a recycling bin.

Student rooms are equipped with individual temperature controls and operable windows to allow for most efficient use of heating and cooling.

For more information on Gillette House please visit: