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21st Avenue North Library Archives

Silver Certified; Year Achieved: 2010

The Library’s Archival Storage Facility received LEED Silver Certification for New Construction. The building, located about two miles from campus on 21st Avenue North, was originally built in 1910; after acquiring the space, Vanderbilt shelled out and rebuilt the interior. The archival storage space has unique humidity and temperature parameters to ensure its contents’ preservation and durability.

Sustainable and environmentally-friendly elements of the Library Archival Storage Facility include:

  • Reuse of 98.6 percent of the existing walls, floors and roof;
  • Diversion of 77 percent of construction waste from the landfill;
  • Bicycle storage and preferred parking for fuel-efficient/low-emitting vehicles;
  • Reflective roofing materials;
  • Storage and collection of recyclables;
  • Materials with post-consumer recycled content and little or no volatile organic compounds (VOCs); and
  • Automatic lighting controls and water-conserving plumbing fixtures
