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Importing a Custom Grade Scheme from another course

If you have created a custom grade scheme in one course, you are able to import that scheme to another course. This is not the same process as importing other components of Brightspace. This guide explains the process.


Updated Spring 2022

Import a Custom Grade Scheme into your course

  1. Go into your current course. Course Admin -> Grades -> Schemes
  2. Click on More Actions and select Copy
  3. Locate and select the desired custom scheme from your previous course.  In this example it’s named “Custom Letter”. Click Copy at the bottom.
  4. You’ll see a copy on your list of available schemes. Here it is titled “Copy of Custom Letter”. Click on it to edit or rename.
  5. Make edits to the name or the grade scheme. Click Save and Close when you are finished. This scheme is now available to apply to your grade categories and items in the current course.