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How do I Export my Gradebook to an Excel File?


When exporting/importing the gradebook with Microsoft Excel, you must take great care to keep data in a format that Brightspace will interpret correctly. We have broken up the process into three steps:

  • Step One: Export the gradebook into an .xls or .csv file
  • Step Two: Entering grades into Excel
  • Step Three: Importing your .csv file into Brightspace

You must follow each step precisely in order for the process to be successful.


Created Fall 2019

Step One: Export the gradebook into an .xls or .csv file

Enter your gradebook and click on the Enter Grades tab. There you will see an option to click an Export button (pictured below).


Once you have clicked Export, make the following selections:

  • Export Grade Items for: All Users
  • Key Field: Both
  • Grade Values: Points Grade
  • User Details: Last Name, First Name

Select the Grade Items you would like to download. Note: the fewer you select, the simpler the entire process will be.

Click Export to Excel or Export to CSV. Note: Each of these choices will require some reformatting. You can only import a .csv file to Brightspace, so we recommend exporting as a .csv to keep things simple


Step Two: Entering grades into Excel

Step Three: Importing your .csv file into Brightspace