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How can I register for a self-registration course?

A few select courses on Brightspace allow users to sign up of their own accord via a self registration process. These courses include, but are not limited to, the Model Courses developed by AdvancED, listed below.

  • Brightspace Model Course: This course uses the standard Content structure in Brightspace to demonstrate a model for organizing course content.
  • Brightspace Model Course – Lessons View: This course uses the New Content Experience (also called Lessons View) to demonstrate an alternative method for organizing course content.

How to Self-Register

1.) Navigate to the Brightspace homepage

2.) In the navbar along the top of the page, select More and choose Self Registration


3.) Find the course you’d like to register for in the list and click on the course title


4.) Select the Register button to begin the registration process


5.) Your information will be automatically populated in the registration form. Select Submit


6.) Select Finish to complete your registration


Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll have access to this course from the Brightspace homepage via the Self-Registration Courses tab.