Blackboard Downtime and Update, June 6-7
May. 29, 2015—On June 6-7, Blackboard will be updated to a more recent version of the system. This update will provide several feature enhancements, but the user interface will be largely unchanged. We are updating from the October 2012 Blackboard release to the April 2014 release. See below for a list of new and enhanced features. Please...
Friday, March 13th Email Outage
Mar. 16, 2015—On Friday, March 13th, Blackboard experienced a problem sending emails. Due to an issue in the data center hosting Vanderbilt’s Blackboard installation, emails sent through Blackboard between 8:20 am and 12:10 pm were, unfortunately, not delivered. That includes emails sent to students during this time. The problem has been resolved and email functionality has been...
May Outage Scheduled to include Maintenance and Upgrade
May. 6, 2013— OAK will be down Sunday and Monday, May 12-13 (available again by 8AM Tuesday, May 14) for routine maintenance and a software upgrade. The upgrade from Blackboard 9.1 Service Pack 8 to Blackboard 9.1 Service Pack 11 will consist of several new features and bug fixes, including copy/paste from Word, a new interactive Calendar tool, and...
OAK Upgrade Scheduled: OAK Unavailable December 21-22
Nov. 28, 2011—OAK support will need to take advantage of Winter Break to install Blackboard service packs and begin initial work for the OAK Enhancement Project. OAK will be available through Tuesday, December 20 so faculty can report grades. Beginning early morning Wednesday, December 21, through Thursday, December 22, OAK will be unavailable. During this time, please...
Unscheduled OAK Outage Saturday, 04/23/11 at 6AM
Apr. 22, 2011—This afternoon, OAK Support noticed that there was a problem with the process that takes the enrollments in YES and updates them in OAK. The issue causes enrollment changes for Spring 2011 and Summer 2011 to not be processed. In order to correct this, OAK needs to be “down” for approximately 30 minutes. OAK will...
OAK Access Restored
Mar. 13, 2011—This afternoon access to OAK was unavailable due to a network outage. The outage has been stored, but OAK Support will continue to monitor the situation throughout the evening. Please use caution when using OAK as users may experience some odd behavior moving between tasks during this time. Please let us know immediately if you...