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Support Team

By shifting Brightspace support to a more centralized model, with multiple Instructional Technologists housed at the Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education (AdvancED), Vanderbilt instructors will receive more robust assistance in using the course management system efficiently and effectively.

We look forward to providing pedagogical and technical support to Brightspace users in the Vanderbilt community.

Associate Director of Digital Media and Learning Technology

Connor Bacon oversees our digital media and instructional technology operations, focusing on processes and execution surrounding our end-to-end digital media production in addition to the Educational Technology team. Hailing from the northwest, Connor has spent 7 years as a filmmaker and cinematographer primarily in the marketing and advertising world. Holding a BA in Visual Communication Design from Eastern Washington University, he is mostly self-taught when it comes to the world of production. With a keen eye for detail and love for process, he has now expanded his expertise towards higher education at Vanderbilt. When he’s not behind a camera, he can be found climbing rocks and hiking outdoor trails.


Instructional Technology Consultants

Michael Coley joined the team in the Spring of 2021. As a Senior Instructional Technology Consultant, his goal is to help promote high-quality teaching through effective usage of technology. He has a B.S. in Animal Science and Secondary Education from Middle Tennessee State University and a Masters in Agricultural Education from North Carolina State University. While at NC State, his focus of study was on the technology usage of Tennessee teachers. He taught high school Agricultural Education for 10 years before changing careers and joining Vanderbilt.