CAUTION: Enrolling students directly in OAK DOES NOT officially enroll them in the course.
Aug. 11, 2011—Course instructors have the ability to enroll “students” directly in their OAK course. This capability is available so instructors can add guests to their courses. If a student needs to be added to an official Vanderbilt course, they should enroll in that course through YES; if they do not, they are not officially enrolled.
CANCELLED: Regularly Scheduled Down Time Sunday, August 21
Aug. 8, 2011—OAK will NOT be down Sunday, August 21 for maintenance. Please visit the main OAK website for maintenance updates, OAK availability, and regularly scheduled maintenance dates. Note about Regularly Scheduled Maintenance: Though we like to have our servers up 24/7, there are times when we need to take them down to perform regular maintenance. Please note that...
CANCELLED: Regularly Scheduled Down Time Sunday, July 17
Jul. 7, 2011—OAK will NOT be down Sunday, July 17 for maintenance. Please visit the main OAK website for maintenance updates, OAK availability, and regularly scheduled maintenance dates. Note about Regularly Scheduled Maintenance: Though we like to have our servers up 24/7, there are times when we need to take them down to perform regular maintenance. Please...
OAK News Blog Gets New Look
Jun. 23, 2011—The OAK News Blog updated its look to match other Vanderbilt websites. The new look should make viewing the archives easier to use.
OAK to Expand Functionality
May. 24, 2011—OAK, Vanderbilt’s course management system, will be expanding current functionality to provide additional services and customizations, as well as attain efficiencies in course delivery and management. Powered by Blackboard Learn “Course Delivery,” Vanderbilt will add the “Community Engagement” system to OAK to achieve these goals. Several years ago, a proposal was prepared to enhance OAK...
Regularly Scheduled Down Time: Sunday, May 22 6AM-10AM
Apr. 25, 2011—OAK will be down Sunday, May 22 from 6AM to 10AM for maintenance. We do not expect the outage to last the entire four hours. Please visit the main OAK website for maintenance updates, OAK availability, and regularly scheduled maintenance dates. The date was changed from Sunday, May 15 to Sunday, May 22 to accommodate...
Unscheduled OAK Outage Saturday, 04/23/11 at 6AM
Apr. 22, 2011—This afternoon, OAK Support noticed that there was a problem with the process that takes the enrollments in YES and updates them in OAK. The issue causes enrollment changes for Spring 2011 and Summer 2011 to not be processed. In order to correct this, OAK needs to be “down” for approximately 30 minutes. OAK will...
CANCELLED: Regularly Scheduled Down Time Sunday, April 17
Apr. 12, 2011—OAK will NOT be down Sunday, April 17 for maintenance. Please visit the main OAK website for maintenance updates, OAK availability, and regularly scheduled maintenance dates. Note about Regularly Scheduled Maintenance: Though we like to have our servers up 24/7, there are times when we need to take them down to perform regular maintenance. Please...
CAUTION: Microsoft Releases Internet Explorer 9
Mar. 15, 2011—Microsoft’s release of Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) has many of the downsides of using Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) with OAK, along with one major setback: users cannot access a page that has a text box editor UNLESS “Compatibility Mode” is turned ON. One other item that users should know: the gray pop-up dialog boxes are...
CANCELLED: Regularly Scheduled Down Time Sunday, Mar 20
Mar. 15, 2011—OAK will NOT be down Sunday, March 20 for maintenance. Please visit the main OAK website for maintenance updates, OAK availability, and regularly scheduled maintenance dates. Note about Regularly Scheduled Maintenance: Though we like to have our servers up 24/7, there are times when we need to take them down to perform regular maintenance. Please...