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An Overview of Quizzes – New Quiz Experience

Creating a quiz involves a series of steps. After you create a quiz and add questions, you can access its tab menus to define its general properties, restrictions, assessment, objectives, submission views, and reports setup.

This resource serves as a guide to help you through the steps of creating the quiz. You may not need to use all these steps for every quiz.

Note: These instructions use the new quiz interface introduced in Fall of 2022.


Created Fall 2022

9 Steps for Brightspace Quizzes

Step 1: Create the Quiz

Step 2: Create and Add Questions to your Quiz

Step 3: Associate Your Quiz to a Grade Item in your Gradebook

Step 4: Establish Restrictions: Dates, Time limits, Password, and Respondus Lockdown Browser

Step 5: Provide Special Access for Select Students

Step 6: Determine the Student’s View of the Quiz Results

Step 7: Implement Respondus Lockdown Browser for a Quiz (optional)

Step 8: Grade Quizzes and Release Grades to Students

Step 9: View Statistics From Your Quiz