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Creating Self-Enroll Groups for your Students

Self-enrollment allows users to enroll in groups on their own. Use this option when you want users to choose their own group members or to be a part of a group on a topic that interests them.


Updated Spring 2022

Create a Self-Enroll Group

  1. Find the Groups tool under the Activities and Assessments tab on your Navbar.
  2. On the Manage Groups page, click New Category.

  3. Enter a Category Name and Description.
  4. Select one of the following options from the Enrollment Type drop-down list:
    Groups of # – Self Enrollment
    # of Groups – Self Enrollment
    # of Groups, Capacity of # – Self Enrollment

  5. Enter the number of groups or capacity, depending on what you selected.
  6. Click Save.

Enroll in a Group (Student Instructions)

Once a Self-Enroll group is set up, students will be able to enroll.

  1. Go to the Activities and Assessments tab and select Groups.
  2. Click on View Available Groups
  3. Look at the groups that are open for enrollment. Click the number of members (ex. 2/4) to see who has already enrolled. Click Join Group to join.
  4. You are able to Leave Group if the instructor has made that option available.