Enabling Turnitin on an Assignment
Brightspace has a third party plagiarism tool called Turnitin. This tool allows instructors to choose whether or not to run student submissions through a program that checks for plagiarism, generates feedback for students on revision strategies, and serves as a general online platform for instructors to provide electronic feedback to students. You can learn more about Turnitin at their website. Instructors must enable Turnitin for each assignment. It’s not possible to enable turnitin for an entire course.
If you would like to use Turnitin for an individual student submission that is not associated with a Brightspace assignment, please contact Brightspace support directly.
Updated September 2021
Enable Turnitin on an assignment
- In your course, go to the assignment and choose Edit Assignment. If this is a new assignment, move on to Step 2.
- On the edit page, expand the area titled Evaluation and Feedback. Click on the link to Manage Turnitin.
- A window will open. At the least you must check the boxes to Enable GradeMark and Enable Originality Check. Make whatever selections you require, and click Save at the bottom.
- The window will close. Verify that your changes were made, then click Save and Close.
- You’ll see a new symbol displayed by your assignment now, when viewing your assignment list. This indicates that Turnitin has been enabled.