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Updated Teaching Guide: Personal Devices in the Classroom (Formerly Wireless in the Classroom)

Posted by on Thursday, December 2, 2021 in Uncategorized.

The CFT first published a guide on considering how to work with wireless devices in the classroom in 2010. Given the rapidly changing digital landscape since then, this guide has been updated to better consider and account for the changes in how personal electronic devices are used, and how widespread they have become. It considers how personal electronic devices (especially laptops) can impact learning in the classroom, and how faculty members may design policies and positions regarding their usage.  

Check out the updated guide here.

Even though the landscape of instructional technology has evolved significantly since the last update to the guide on teaching with personal devices, questions around the role they can and/or should play in the classroom remain. There are many factors for faculty members to consider as they grapple with this issue, including but not limited to issues of accessibility for disabled students and the potential of laptop usage to lower learning retention.  

If you catch yourself struggling to create policies that address the usage of personal electronic devices in the classroom, especially after nearly a year and a half of virtual or hybrid teaching, this guide may provide some suggestions. If you have additional suggestions or questions on how to interact and work with personal electronic devices in the classroom, we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to contact me directly at or by using our contact form.  


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