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Taking our Blackboard Workshops on the Road!

Posted by on Friday, January 15, 2016 in News.

road-220058_1280Many of you have visited us for Blackboard trainings and drop-in hours here at the CFT. What you may not know is that we have also taken that support model on the road to various schools, centers, and departments across campus. If you work with a group that you think might benefit from a tailored training/support experience, we would love to visit them wherever they may be housed on campus.

We have three 30-40 minute training sessions to choose from (Creating and Grading Assignments on Blackboard, Using Media on Blackboard, and Academic Integrity Tools for Blackboard) that we are excited to share. After our presentation, the Blackboard support team can remain on site to work one-on-one with faculty, TAs, staff, or whomever, helping to solve problems and work on specific courses.

Please contact us at for more information.