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OAK Element: TurningPoint Upgrade to TurningPoint 5

Posted by on Thursday, May 16, 2013 in News.

TurningPoint, the student response system (clickers) used at Vanderbilt, will be upgraded Thursday, May 16 at 6:00 AM. NO OUTAGE IS REQUIRED. However, instructors will need to download the new TurningPoint client (instructions below). The new version, TurningPoint 5.2.0, is compatible with Office 2013.

Students may need to verify that their devices are registered in OAK. (Instructions can be found in the document downloads below.)


TurningPoint 5 Documents:
» Using Bb with TurningPoint 5 (PDF)
» TurningPoint Instructor Guide (PDF)
» TurningPoint Student Guide (PDF)

Instructor Cient Download:
1. Visit the TurningTechnologies download page
2. Scroll down to Polling Software
3. Click TurningPoint 5
4. Click the title of the version you need