Editing and Annotating Video
Videos are a great way to supplement your course content or provide resources for those who want to know more. With YouTube, you can create your own YouTube channel for your course where you list all of the videos you’d like them to watch, as well as create and upload your own original video content. Students can also use a variety of programs and online tools to create their own videos.
Use it to present content.
Use a ‘flipped classroom’ approach and have students watch a mini lecture before class so you can begin the class session with questions, discussions, or activities based on the video.
Use it to promote student interaction and debate.
Post videos that voice opposing viewpoints about your topic and have students comment on the video, as well as other students’ comments by using the blogging features within YouTube
Use it to promote student exploration and critical thinking.
Have students build your supplementary video database by assigning them the task of coming up with one or two great video examples and defending their choices.
Use it as a multimodal student project.
Creating videos is a great way to have students relate course content to their personal lives, work in production teams, or demonstrate their learning in creative ways. Here are some ideas to start your thinking.
- Documentation: Use the camera and microphone to record student work and performances.
- Peer Feedback: Use video as a great medium to get students to begin to provide each other with feedback. Watching in pairs or small groups can become a catalyst for powerful conversations.
- Create Pecha-Kucha Presentations: Pecha-Kucha presentations are becoming more popular due to their time efficiency and engaging characteristics. The 20×20 (20 slides/images for 20 seconds each, with oral descriptions) presentation is made easily in iMovie
- Story Telling: have students tell personal stories and turn them into digital stories using pictures and images from their classroom and their lives.
- Photo Essay: Photo-essays are powerful ways to convey messages through visuals and text. Students can easily add text-based-slides to iMovie using another app called iMovie Extras.
- Microscopy: The camera in the iPad works perfectly for recording through the optical piece of a light microscope. You can easily take video of live specimens under a low powered microscope.
- Slow Motion Analysis: In iMovie, you can easily scrub through video clips in slow motion at an appropriate speed, frame by frame. During an experiment or demonstration, students can record and then slow down footage to find out exactly what is going on.
- Create Animated Films: By using iMovie in conjunction with other apps such as Animation HD or iMotion HD, students can create beautiful stop motion or animated films, stringing together various short clips, adding voice overs, sound effects, and music.