Jamie Joseph is first author of Child Abuse & Neglect paper
Jan. 2, 2025—Congratulations to 2024 graduate Jamie Joseph, PhD, on the publication of “Analysis of longitudinal patterns of child maltreatment reports in the United States,” which was published online ahead of print on December 24; it is scheduled to appear in the February 2025 issue of Child Abuse & Neglect. Associate professor Rameela Raman is senior and corresponding author...
Kaidi Kang is first author of Nature paper
Nov. 27, 2024—Congratulations to PhD candidate Kaidi Kang on the publication of “Study design features increase replicability in brain-wide association studies” in Nature. Associate professor Simon Vandekar is senior corresponding author. Co-authors include PhD candidates Jiangmei Ruby Xiong and Megan Taylor Jones, associate professor Ran Tao, and professor Jonathan Schildcrout, plus colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the...
Tianyi Sun is first author of Statistics in Medicine paper
Oct. 2, 2024—Congratulations to PhD candidate Tianyi Sun on the publication of “Addressing the implementation challenge of risk prediction model due to missing risk factors: The submodel approximation approach,” which was published online ahead of print in Statistics in Medicine on September 12. Associate professor Dandan Liu is corresponding author, with Allison McCoy (associate professor of biomedical informatics)...
Yuqi Tian is first author of JASA paper
Jun. 21, 2024—Congratulations to Yuqi Tian (PhD 2022), former associate professor Chun Li (now at University of Southern California), soon-to-graduate doctoral candidate Shengxin Tu, Nathan T. James (PhD 2022), and professors Frank Harrell and Bryan Shepherd on the publication of “Addressing Multiple Detection Limits with Semiparametric Cumulative Probability Models” in Journal of the American Statistical Association. The article first...
Max Rohde is first author of Statistics in Medicine tutorial
Jun. 11, 2024—Congratulations to PhD candidate Maximilian Rohde on the publication of Bayesian transition models for ordinal longitudinal outcomes in Statistics in Medicine. The paper was co-authored by professor Benjamin French, adjoint professor Thomas G. Stewart, and professor Frank Harrell. In the words of the tutorial abstract: “Ordinal longitudinal outcomes are becoming common in clinical research, particularly in the...
Jiangmei Xiong is first author of Bioinformatics paper
Jun. 9, 2024—Congratulations to PhD candidate Jiangmei Ruby Xiong on the publication of GammaGateR: Semi-automated marker gating for single-cell multiplexed imaging in Bioinformatics on June 4. The paper was co-authored by assistant professor Siyuan Ma and associate professor Simon Vandekar, with colleagues in Vanderbilt’s Program of Chemical and Physical Biology and its Epithelial Biology Center, as well as...
Julia Thome is first author of Public Health Reports paper
May. 29, 2024—Congratulations to PhD candidate Julia Thome on the publication of Reporting of Child Maltreatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Southern State in the United States in Public Health Reports last week, online ahead of print. The paper was co-authored by associate professor Rameela Raman and colleagues at the Vanderbilt Center of Excellence for Children in...
Yeji Ko is first author of Annals of Epidemiology paper
Apr. 18, 2024—Congratulations to PhD student Yeji Ko on the publication of Adjustment for duration of employment in occupational epidemiology in the June 2024 issue of Annals of Epidemiology (appearing online ahead of print this week). Professor Ben French, who was recently elected to the National Council for Radiation Protection and Measurements, is the paper’s corresponding author. Ko,...
Shengxin Tu is first author on clustered data paper
Feb. 16, 2024—PhD candidate Shengxin Tu, who presented a seminar on between- and within-cluster Spearman rank correlations last week, is first author of a methods paper titled Rank intraclass correlation for clustered data that Statistics in Medicine published in 2023 (online in August and in print in October), with professor Bryan Shepherd as corresponding author. Statistics in Medicine has...