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Comprehensive examinations

The primary role of the comprehensive examinations is to aid the graduate faculty in assessing whether students are sufficiently prepared for the next stage of their graduate training, including advanced coursework and development of a thesis or dissertation. Students on the MS track are expected to take and pass a theory examination and an applied examination following completion of their first year of coursework (i.e., the ‘series 1’ comprehensive examinations). Students on the PhD track are expected to take and pass a theory examination and an applied examination following completion of their first year of coursework (i.e., the ‘series 1’ comprehensive examinations), as well as a theory examination and an applied examination following completion of their second year of coursework (i.e., the ‘series 2’ comprehensive examinations). The series 1 examination is identical for students on the MS track and the PhD track, although the threshold to qualify for a PhD-level pass is typically around ten percentage points higher than the threshold to qualify for an MS-level pass. The series 2 examination is only applicable to students on the PhD track.

Timing and format

Our department’s comprehensive examinations are—without exception—an individual effort. Comprehensive examinations are ordinarily held in late May and/or early June. Students are ordinarily notified of the examination dates in the Fall semester prior to the examinations. Students on an approved leave of absence may coordinate an alternative date for the examinations with the Director of Graduate Studies and the comprehensive examination committee chair. Ordinarily, the MS/PhD series 1 theory examination is conducted as an in-class examination, and the MS/PhD series 1 applied examination is conducted with both an in-class and a take-home component. Ordinarily, the PhD series 2 examinations are conducted as take-home examinations. When changes to the timing, format, or structure of the examination are necessary, the comprehensive examination committee chair and/or the Director of Graduate Studies will notify the students.

The final results for each of the MS/PhD series 1 examinations can be:

  • Passed at the PhD level
  • Passed at the MS level
  • Not passed

The final results for each of the PhD series 2 examinations can be:

  • Passed
  • Not passed

Conditional passes may be issued when deemed appropriate by the graduate faculty. In such cases, the conditions for the pass to be achieved will be made clear when the students are notified of their results. Students who do not pass a comprehensive examination at the required level on their first attempt must take the examination again the following year. For students on the PhD track, passing the series 1 theory examination at the PhD level is typically required to enroll in BIOS 7361/7362. Failure to pass the examination on the second attempt results in removal from the program; students on the PhD track who pass an examination at the MS level but do not pass at the PhD level may switch to the MS track.

This information is from page 11 of the 2024 Student Handbook. Please consult the handbook for more information about comprehensive examinations and other steps toward a degree in our program. A selection of past exams is archived on this site, under Resources.