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Max Rohde is first author of Statistics in Medicine tutorial

Posted by on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 in News.

Congratulations to PhD candidate Maximilian Rohde on the publication of Bayesian transition models for ordinal longitudinal outcomes in Statistics in Medicine. The paper was co-authored by professor Benjamin French, adjoint professor Thomas G. Stewart, and professor Frank Harrell. In the words of the tutorial abstract: “Ordinal longitudinal outcomes are becoming common in clinical research, particularly in the context of COVID-19 clinical trials. These outcomes are information-rich and can increase the statistical efficiency of a study when analyzed in a principled manner. We present Bayesian ordinal transition models as a flexible modeling framework to analyze ordinal longitudinal outcomes. We develop the theory from first principles and provide an application using data from the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial (ACTT-1) with code examples in R. We advocate that researchers use ordinal transition models to analyze ordinal longitudinal outcomes when appropriate alongside standard methods such as time-to-event modeling.”

Figure 7 from Rohde et al. 2024, showing SOP internal bands for each ordinal state
Figure 7 from “Bayesian transition models for ordinal longitudinal outcomes”: (A) Model‐based state occupancy probabilities (SOPs) for each ordinal state, conditional on a baseline state of 4. Treatment is labeled with a dashed line and placebo is labeled with a solid line. (B) Model‐based state occupancy probabilities (SOPs) for each ordinal state, marginalized over the covariates settings observed in the study. 95% posterior intervals bands are shown.


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