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Tianyi Sun is first author of Statistics in Medicine paper

Posted by on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 in News.

Congratulations to PhD candidate Tianyi Sun on the publication of “Addressing the implementation challenge of risk prediction model due to missing risk factors: The submodel approximation approach,” which was published online ahead of print in Statistics in Medicine on September 12. Associate professor Dandan Liu is corresponding author, with Allison McCoy (associate professor of biomedical informatics) and Alan Storrow (associate professor of emergency medicine) as co-authors, plus input from professors Frank Harrell and Cindy Chen. The study was funded by National Heart, Lung, and Blood institute (NHLBI) grant R01HL157596, with Dr. Liu, Dr. Storrow and Sunil Kripalani as principal investigators (see the 2021 announcement of the award in VUMC News for a general overview).

The paper authored by Sun et al. proposes a new statistical approach to help handle missing data, a challenge that has frequently deterred implementation of clinical prediction models. The method developed by this all-Vanderbilt team yielded robust results in simulations and will help facilitate real-time implementation of STRATIFY, a risk prediction model, at multiple emergency departments.

Figure 1 in Sun et al. “Addressing the implementation challenge…” shows simulation study results: Violin plots of calibration‐in‐the‐large under three heterogeneity scenarios: (A) Heterogeneous mean, (B) heterogeneous variance and (C) heterogeneous prevalence from submodel‐ and imputation‐based approaches corresponding to missing one or two continuous/binary risk factors. Each column represents missing risk factors with varying importance (standardized coefficient) in the risk calculation. See the paper for the full caption.

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