GammaGateR featured in NCI CBIIT News
On September 4, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) featured the statistical software package GammaGateR on the News page for its Center for Biomedical Informatics & Information Technology, with the headline “GammaGateR Helps Decipher Imaging Data.” See our June 9 post for details about the paper announcing GammaGateR in Bioinformatics, with PhD candidate Jiangmei Ruby Xiong as first author, associate professor Simon Vandekar as corresponding author, and assistant professor Siyuan Ma among its co-authors. The paper has been viewed more than 650 times since it was formally published (a preprint was posted on bioRxiv a year ago) and was included in a June roundup of “mind-blowing” bioinformatics advancements by a global bio-IT firm. Xiong is president of the Biostatistics Graduate Student Association (after previously serving as treasurer and vice president), has presented work at the past three Joint Statistical Meetings, served as a student volunteer for the 2022 Statistical Methods in Imaging Conference at Vanderbilt, and performed in six Italian cities this summer as a member of the Vanderbilt Community Chorus.