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Students and alumni at JSM 2024

Posted by on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 in News.

The annual Joint Statistical Meetings draw more than five thousand attendees from over fifty countries every year. The 2024 edition of this conference is taking place in Portland, Oregon, with more than two dozen department members and alumni making the trip to Rose City to discuss “Statistics and Data Science: Informing Policy and Countering Misinformation,” catch up with colleagues from around the world, and network with prospective employers and collaborators, as well as taking part in other activities offered by conference organizers, sponsors, and participants.

Two students (Asian woman and Caucasian man) flank digital display of their work. The screen is perched on a pedestal on top of a cloth-covered table.

PhD candidates Jiangmei Ruby Xiong and Maximilian Rohde presenting their work at the August 4 data expo. Photo by Sarah Lotspeich (PhD 2021).

A detailed list of department members and alumni on the program can be viewed at the Vanderbilt Biostatistics blog. Here are some of the highlights involving current students:

We congratulate everyone on these accomplishments, and we’re looking forward to JSM 2025 in Nashville!

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