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Jiangmei Xiong is first author of Bioinformatics paper

Posted by on Sunday, June 9, 2024 in News.

Congratulations to PhD candidate Jiangmei Ruby Xiong on the publication of GammaGateR: Semi-automated marker gating for single-cell multiplexed imaging in Bioinformatics on June 4. The paper was co-authored by assistant professor Siyuan Ma and associate professor Simon Vandekar, with colleagues in Vanderbilt’s Program of Chemical and Physical Biology and its Epithelial Biology Center, as well as the Departments of Surgery, Medicine, and Cell and Developmental Biology. The team also included investigators affiliated with Regeneron, GlaxoSmithKline, and Emory University. GammaGateR, which is available at Xiong’s GitHub site, is “an R package for interactive marker gating designed specifically for segmented cell-level data from mIF [multiplexed immunofluorescence] images,” which “can improve the replicability of marker gating results, while reducing the time of manual segmentation.”

hex logo for GammaGateR, featuring a cartoon crocodile in front of three histographic curves

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