Registration for April 2025 Job Seeker Coaching with Autism Tennessee Open Now!
Mar. 16, 2025—We are excited to announce the latest virtual job seeker training from our partner, Autism Tennessee. Autism Tennessee is running its EmployMe – Small Group Classes program through April 2025 (starting April 7th) and is inviting autistic job seekers to register now. Autism Tennessee designed this program to support autistic self-advocates in their job search....
Media Covers $7 Million in Canceled Grants to FCAI
Mar. 13, 2025—Due to funding cuts to the National Science Foundation made after the executive orders in the last several weeks, FCAI has lost $7 million in expected federal grant funding, and along with it some of our cornerstone programs for national impact. The $7 million in funding had been rigorously reviewed by NSF and was authorized...
Applications Open for SNP-REACH High School Summer Program; Participants and Counselors Sought! Apply Today!
Dec. 1, 2024—The Standford Neurodiversity Project (SNP) – is announcing its 7th SNP – Research, Education, and Advocacy Camp for High Schoolers (SNP-REACH) for Summer 2025. SNP aims to empower neurodivergent individuals, train neurodiverse individuals in education and the workforce, and spread awareness for these issues. Camp Details: SNP-REACH will hold two two-week summer camps for high...
FCAI Director, Visiting Fellow and Program Manager Speak at Neurowrx Conference
Oct. 30, 2023—Last week, FCAI Director Keivan Stassun, Program and Communications Manager Jessica Schonhut-Stasik, and Visiting Fellow Judy Reilly spoke at the 3rd International Gathering for Neurowrx, hosted by Aspiritech. Neurowrx is a global alliance of corporations, non-profit organizations, and individuals working together to foster and inspire employment for people on the autism spectrum in science, technology, engineering, arts,...