Media Covers $7 Million in Canceled Grants to FCAI
Mar. 13, 2025—Due to funding cuts to the National Science Foundation made after the executive orders in the last several weeks, FCAI has lost $7 million in expected federal grant funding, and along with it some of our cornerstone programs for national impact. The $7 million in funding had been rigorously reviewed by NSF and was authorized...
Applications Open for SNP-REACH High School Summer Program; Participants and Counselors Sought! Apply Today!
Dec. 1, 2024—The Standford Neurodiversity Project (SNP) – is announcing its 7th SNP – Research, Education, and Advocacy Camp for High Schoolers (SNP-REACH) for Summer 2025. SNP aims to empower neurodivergent individuals, train neurodiverse individuals in education and the workforce, and spread awareness for these issues. Camp Details: SNP-REACH will hold two two-week summer camps for high...
FCAI Director, Visiting Fellow and Program Manager Speak at Neurowrx Conference
Oct. 30, 2023—Last week, FCAI Director Keivan Stassun, Program and Communications Manager Jessica Schonhut-Stasik, and Visiting Fellow Judy Reilly spoke at the 3rd International Gathering for Neurowrx, hosted by Aspiritech. Neurowrx is a global alliance of corporations, non-profit organizations, and individuals working together to foster and inspire employment for people on the autism spectrum in science, technology, engineering, arts,...