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FCAI NISE Fellow Receives Fisk-Vanderbilt Postdoctoral Fellow Position

Posted by on Thursday, June 13, 2024 in Academics and HE Professionals, FCAI News.

With great pride, we announce the selection of graduate student and FCAI NISE Fellow Amber Crabtreeas the recipient of the prestigious Fisk-Vanderbilt postdoctoral fellowship. This achievement is a testament to Amber’s hard work and the guidance she has received from her mentors, including FCAI Fellow AJ Hinton in the lab of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics.

This prestigious fellowship will allow Amber to build her teaching and scholarship portfolios, receive dedicated mentoring from faculty at both Vanderbilt and Fisk and further develop her research skills, positioning her for a potential faculty position at Fisk University.

Amber’s nomination is a well-deserved achievement, and we are excited to see her future contributions to her field. Congratulations Amber!

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