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FCAI Director, Visiting Fellow and Program Manager Speak at Neurowrx Conference

Posted by on Monday, October 30, 2023 in Business and Management, FCAI News, Partner News, Self-Advocates and Civil Stakeholders.

Last week, FCAI Director Keivan Stassun, Program and Communications Manager Jessica Schonhut-Stasik, and Visiting Fellow Judy Reilly spoke at the 3rd International Gathering for Neurowrx, hosted by Aspiritech. Neurowrx is a global alliance of corporations, non-profit organizations, and individuals working together to foster and inspire employment for people on the autism spectrum in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math industries. 

Jessica gave a presentation on “Neurodiversity in Higher Education,” speaking to her experience as a late-diagnosed AuDHD woman in academia and how we can better support neurodivergent students on college campuses’. Keivan and Judy discussed “Research Updates on Autism in the Workplace.”

FCAI would like to extend a big thank you to the Neurowrx team for having us join the conference remotely and talking about topics FCAI is so passionate about! 

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