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FCAI Director Keivan Stassun Wins Prestigious MacArthur Genius Grant

Posted by on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 in Academics and HE Professionals, FCAI News, News, research and development.

We are thrilled to announce that our Director, Keivan G. Stassun, has been awarded the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship, also known as the “Genius Grant.” This incredible honor has been awarded to Director Stassun for his work “expanding opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and careers for underrepresented populations.”

Under the guidance of Director Stassun, the Frist Center for Autism and Innovation has seen a transformative journey. His visionary leadership and unwavering commitment have not only shaped our mission but also inspired us to push the boundaries of what is possible. His efforts have led to groundbreaking initiatives that harness the unique talents and perspectives of individuals with autism, creating a more inclusive and supportive environment. For instance, the Neurodiversity Inspired Science and Engineering (NISE) Graduate Fellowship, a brainchild of Director Stassun, has now graduated more autistic master’s and PhD students than any other program in the world (to our knowledge).

In receipt of the award and discussing his dedication to supporting minorities in science, Stassun says: “To participate in the asking and answering of those questions, to contribute uniquely and creatively to the enterprise of science — or at least the opportunity to try — is every person’s right.”

The MacArthur Fellowship is a beacon of hope and recognition for individuals who have shown exceptional creativity and dedication in their respective fields. The MacArthur Foundation awards the grant annually, and recipients are selected based on their outstanding achievements and potential for future significant contributions. This prestigious honor not only celebrates Director Stassun’s past work but also instills hope for the future, inspiring us all to strive for excellence in our endeavors.

As a team at the Frist Center for Autism and Innovation, we are filled with a sense of pride and excitement to have Director Stassun at the helm of our center. This prestigious honor will undoubtedly further elevate his work, providing him with the freedom to pursue his creative endeavors without constraints. We are excited about the positive changes that this will inspire in the lives of individuals with autism and eagerly look forward to the future.

Read more about Keivan’s Award here.

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