Sibling Centers
Media Covers $7 Million in Canceled Grants to FCAI
Mar. 13, 2025—Due to funding cuts to the National Science Foundation made after the executive orders in the last several weeks, FCAI has lost $7 million in expected federal grant funding, and along with it some of our cornerstone programs for national impact. The $7 million in funding had been rigorously reviewed by NSF and was authorized...
FCAI February Salon Series: The Intersection of ND at Work with the ND Movement – REGISTER NOW!
Feb. 8, 2025—In this fireside chat style conversation, Dr. Vogus will facilitate a dialogue between Dr. Posselt and Dr. Annabi to examine the intersections between the Neurodiversity at Work movement and the broader Neurodiversity movement. Together, they will explore key characteristics of effective social movements, the role of the Neurodiversity at Work movement in advancing the broader...
Applications Open for SNP-REACH High School Summer Program; Participants and Counselors Sought! Apply Today!
Dec. 1, 2024—The Standford Neurodiversity Project (SNP) – is announcing its 7th SNP – Research, Education, and Advocacy Camp for High Schoolers (SNP-REACH) for Summer 2025. SNP aims to empower neurodivergent individuals, train neurodiverse individuals in education and the workforce, and spread awareness for these issues. Camp Details: SNP-REACH will hold two two-week summer camps for high...
Northeastern University Fall Coalition Conversation with Michael John Carley on Dec 13th! Register now!
Dec. 1, 2024—Our sibling center, Northeastern University College of Engineering, invites you to join a conversation with Michael John Carley, a popular autistic speaker from Northeastern’s 2024 Neurodiversity Conference, who recently joined the Neurodiversity Initiative team at the College of Engineering at Northeastern. Michael John Carley is an author, school and business consultant, and former executive director...