Frist Center Researchers Seeking to Aid Neurodiverse Adults Receive Prestigious NSF CIVIC Stage 2 Award
Sep. 21, 2023—Two Frist Center researchers are part of a collaborative effort receiving a distinguished Civic Innovation Challenge (CIVIC) Stage 2 Award from the National Science Foundation that the team will use to improve equity for neurodiverse adults by completing and commercializing a novel virtual reality driving instruction system that will help autistic adults have the independence they need...
Partnership with The Precisionists: Career Opportunities for 500 Neurodiverse Individuals in Nashville
Sep. 20, 2023—On September 19th, FCAI partner The Precisionists announced the expansion of their neurodiversity employment program to Nashville, with an event hosted at the Frist Center. The event was led by Director Keivan Stassun, with remarks from Vanderbilt University Chancellor Daniel Diermeier and a quote from the Governor of Tennessee. Through their partnership with the Frist...
Event Announcement: A Night of Music, PHotography, PHriends, and PHun!
Sep. 13, 2023—We are excited to advertise AbleVoices’ very first fundraising event to benefit their programming for youth and adults with disabilities. Event Description: The evening promises to be a delightful experience filled with music, photography and much more. You will be moved by musical performances by singer-songwriter, Jessica Willis-Fisher and autism self-advocates Andrew Braach and Drew...
Special Lecture at VKC on 09/11 – Design and Development of VR HMDs With/For Autistic Groups
Sep. 7, 2023—Announcing a Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Special Lecture: “Design and Development of VR HMDs With/For Autistic Groups; Examples of Applied Virtual Reality (VR) Led by Autistic Input and Feedback.” Presented by Dr. Nigel Newbutt, Ph.D. When: Monday, September 11, 12:00-1:00 p.m. CT Where: Room 241, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center/One Magnolia Circle Building (Virtual Option Available) Nigel Newbutt,...
Recordings Available for “Disrupting Ableism and Advancing STEM: A National Leadership Summit”
Jun. 29, 2023—In July 2023, the National Academies of Sciences’ Keck Center in Washington D.C. hosted the hybrid “Disrupting Ableism and Advancing STEM: A National Leadership Summit” A host of panels and presentations discussed issues related to accessibility and inclusivity in STEM workplaces for disabled individuals. Dave Caudel, Frist Center for Autism and Innovation Deputy Director was...
Frist Center Faculty Fellow Tyler Derr wins prestigious NSF CAREER award
Jun. 16, 2023—Tyler Derr, assistant professor of computer science and a Frist Center Faculty Fellow, has been awarded a prestigious CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation. Read the press release here:
Upcoming Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Webinar “Nothing About Us Without Us.”
May. 17, 2023—On May 18th, the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (VKC) Research Ethics Grand Rounds will be having a webinar panel discussion with a focus on what “Nothing About Us Without Us” can look like within a research setting. The panel will include two VKC researchers and two disability self-advocates who serve on an advisory level for their...
The Precisionists, Inc. Announces Pilot with HCA Healthcare to Tap Talents of Neurodiverse Workers
Apr. 24, 2023— We’re excited to announce that one of our partners, The Precisionists, Inc. (TPI), a Wilmington, Delaware-based organization focused on employment for adults with disabilities, is launching a neurodiversity employment program that will provide business support services as part of a pilot program at Nashville- based HCA Healthcare. The program will leverage the talents of a team...
New Book – A Hidden Force – Out Today
Apr. 11, 2023—Suppose you’re looking for a book that will help you improve your workplace culture, build stronger teams, and create a more inclusive environment. In that case, A Hidden Force by Ed Thompson is worth checking out. As the founder and CEO of Uptimize, a company focusing on building neurodiverse teams Thompson brings a wealth of...
Deputy Director of FCAI, Tim Vogus, Appears on News Channel 5
Apr. 2, 2023—Last week, our deputy directory Tim Vogus appeared on an episode of Openline through News Channel 5 Nashville, to discuss the Frist Center for Autism and Innovation and take callers’ questions. In his interview, Tim discusses the history and work of the Frist Center, before moving on to answer callers’ questions. We especially loved hearing...