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FCAI NISE Fellow Hari Srinivasan Pens Second Op-Ed for Time Magazine

Posted by on Friday, January 5, 2024 in FCAI News, Self-Advocates and Civil Stakeholders.

On January 3rd, 2024, Frist Center for Autism and Innovation Neurodiversity Inspired Science and Engineering Fellow Hari Srinivasan published his second article in Time magazine, entitled “The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism”.

In this thought-provoking article, Srinivasan discusses how the epidemic of loneliness disproportionally effects the autistic population, and is only exacerbated by U.S. notions of independent living being the ideal.

Well done Hari, for another amazing piece of work!

Read Hari’s article here.

We reported on Hari’s previous Time article here.

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