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February FCAI Salon Series: Taste the Rainbow: Designing with Color and Patterns for Neurodiversity with Kendra Oliver

Posted by on Sunday, February 4, 2024 in FCAI News.

We are excited to announce this month’s Salon Series speaker, Kendra Oliver! This months talk will be held online only, and sign up is available here. Please come and get to know another of our wonderful Frist Center fellows.

When: Tuesday 13th February, 2024 at Noon CT

Where: Virtual –

Kendra Oliver

Talk Description: Join us as we explore the fascinating world of color and pattern design within the context of neurodiversity. Kendra H. Oliver will discuss the work of immersion student Helen Qian as they aim to encourage thoughtfulness about color and pattern design choices and how they impact individuals with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more. She will briefly overview insights into the unique sensory processing of neurodiverse individuals. She will also discuss the impact of color psychology and pattern perception in design. Dr. Oliver will also show some real-world examples of neurodiverse-friendly environments. Finally, she will explore some strategies for involving neurodiverse communities in the design process.

Speaker Bio: Kendra’s work broadly integrates art, science communication, and user experience design, and her scholarship examines through pedagogical and design constructs how science is communicated visually. This is mainly accomplished through ArtLab, a program she founded in 2017, and has become an epicenter for design, visual science communication, and science outreach using innovative and engaging approaches to showcase top biomedical researchers’ latest findings through art. She am very interested in exploring and studying these concepts with neurodiverse creators and audiences.

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