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Frist Center seeking applications for new fellows, affiliates

Posted by on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 in FCAI News.

The Frist Center for Autism and Innovation has announced its 2024 call for membership, which allows Vanderbilt faculty and staff to apply to become affiliates or fellows of the Center. The work of current fellows and affiliates has resulted in multi-million-dollar grants and was highlighted nationally on CBS’s 60 Minutes with Anderson Cooper.

An affiliate can be any VU/VUMC faculty or staff member who has a relevant interest in the activities of the Frist Center, including—but not limited to—developing a strengths-based understanding of neurodiverse abilities; studying novel employment arrangements and workplace practices that leverage these capabilities; inventing new technologies that enable individuals with autism to achieve their potential; and exploring innovative approaches inspired by neurodiversity. Non-VU/VUMC individuals may also apply as Outside Affiliates. Affiliates are eligible for benefits such as access to resource staff, postdoctoral fellows, and the ability to apply for mini-grants.

Fellows will be affiliates who are willing to contribute time and effort toward the Center’s initiatives, ranging from participating on committees, mentoring students, mentoring postdocs, hosting speakers, planning symposia, leading white papers, conducting studies and more. Those awarded fellow status will be eligible for additional benefits, such as administrative support for working groups, prioritized access to resource staff and Center workspace, and the ability to propose projects with significant Center support. Non-VU/VUMC individuals may also apply for Visiting Fellow status.

The membership program intends to formally recognize the many faculty and staff and community members who seek to support the Center’s mission, and to facilitate collaboration with these individuals. Given the high amount of anticipated interest in becoming a Frist Center member, applications will be carefully reviewed and the strongest applicants will be offered membership.

Both affiliate and fellow status will be renewable on an annual basis, based on mutual agreement. The Frist Center will have annual calls for affiliation, so if this year does not work out for you, there will be ample opportunity to pursue affiliation in the future. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Frist Center, please take a moment to fill out this online form by May 15th, 2024.


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