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NSF Convergence Workshop

NSF Convergence Workshop
Thursday, June 14, 2018 • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Vanderbilt Wond’ry Commons, 2nd Floor

Join us for a day of sharing, learning, exploring, and brainstorming as we take a critical look at how to help autistic people find meaningful employment in a supportive atmosphere.

Participants who were invited may register with this link.

The current draft agenda is available at this link.


The invited participants include outstanding individuals in a wide range of areas, including people in the broader world of technology development for autism, employment support groups, large employers, other community-based pipeline efforts, as well as inclusive higher education programs for individuals with ASD and other developmental disabilities. In addition to informing the Nashville Model now, this workshop will also help to shape the agenda for a large national conference that we are planning for late 2018 or early 2019.


Round-table discussions about autistic individuals in and around the workplace, on topics such as:

  • What methods and technologies are needed for individuals with autism in finding work and/or succeeding in the workplace? What types of technologies are needed that are not currently under development?
  • What types of assessments for individuals with autism related to strengths in ASD and employability are currently available or under development? What progress or innovation is needed in this area?
  • What types of novel employment arrangements or supports are currently in place or under development? What progress or innovation is needed in this area?
  • What experience do employers have with enlisting talent of persons on the spectrum? What do employers need in the way of research and development to support the employment of individuals with autism?
  • What community-based “pipeline” efforts are underway in Nashville and elsewhere? What progress or innovation is needed to ensure success of these pipeline efforts?
  • What higher education programs are currently available or under development to support college attainment and future employment for individuals with autism? What do college programs need in the way of research and development to support individuals with autism?
  • What might we learn about current methods and technologies for employment of individuals with other developmental disabilities or mental health disorders?

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BCS-1744386. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.