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Leadership Develepmont

Experiential vs. Theoretical Leadership

    • Leadership is one of the primary skills that employers look for in college graduates. Several majors include leadership classes in their curriculum, but those classes primarily provide the theoretical aspects of leadership. While we agree that theoretical grounding is important in developing as a leader, in Army ROTC we provide hundreds of hours of practical leadership experience so that upon graduation you are ready to lead teams in your chosen area of study rather than simply serving as a member of a team. We do this in Army ROTC through curriculum delivery using the experiential learning model. 

Do you gain leadership experience during college?

  • Every cadet will have the chance to lead their peers throughout the year as well as learn new leadershipLeadershipw strategies. Our chain of command puts 22 cadets in direct leadership roles a time. While the cadets are in these roles, they will have the chance to lead in everyday
    situations, as well as during more intensive field training exercises. After these training opportunities, the cadets will be counseled by a trainer and then they will have the chance to implement  strategies based on that  counsel during their next leadership rotation. The chain of command rotates every month, which allows the cadets to observe their peers in order to see what leadership styles they use and see what works best for each cadet. After practicing these techniques for three years, every cadet will have the opportunity to go to one of the top army leadership schools for over a month.

How will Army ROTC  enhance a military or even a civilian career?

"We actively seek leaders who can invent, think big, have a bias for action and deliver results on behalf of our customers. These principles look very familiar to men and women who have served our country in the armed forces, and we find that their experience leading people is invaluable in our fast-paced work environment." - Jeff Bezos

  • Companies, such as Amazon, have noticed the difference that the military makes in leaders. Nearly all Fortune 500 companies have recruiting and management focused programs designed for junior Army officers. It is extremely rare that a young college graduate has had numerous chances to lead in college, and then in their very first job lead dozens of individuals. That is exactly what companies are getting with young officers, and that shows in who they hire.

Summer Leadership Opportunities

Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT)

  • The Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) track provides Cadets the opportunity to lead Soldiers in an active Army unit over a three to four week period. Cadets are assigned a unit mentor and serve in lieutenant-level leadership positions in active-duty units. Internship locations include all across the United States and in Europe. This program is exclusively designed for Cadets in their junior year before and after completion of Advanced Camp.

Research Internship Program (RIP)

  • The Research Internship Program is not sponsored by a specific agency. Rather, this program places Cadets in internships with the Army's research and development labs across the country. All MSL III Cadets in research or technical programs are encouraged to apply for an internship.

Public Affairs Officer Internship Program (PAOIP)

  • Cadets serve as an advanced trainee in public affairs and receive on-the-job training. Assignments are designed to provide experience and knowledge that will develop the incumbent for public affairs work at a higher level. Cadets interview and confer with functional experts and project specialists to obtain background data and information for use in writing assigned articles and stories for Cadet Command and for release to local, regional and national news media.

Forensic Internship Program (FIP)

  • The National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) located in Largo, Florida, exposes Cadets to biometric and forensic capabilities. During a two week training period, Cadets are exposed to and taught how to examine fingerprints, tire tracks, and footwear impressions, as well as explosives detection, chemical analysis, media exploitation, IED investigation, and deployable forensic laboratories and capabilities.

National Nuclear Security Administration Internship Program (NNSAIP)

  • The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office of Defense Programs offers a suite of activities to enhance collaboration between NNSA's eight sites and the U.S. Military Academies and ROTC programs at other universities. These programs are administered at NNSA and executed at NNSA sites, including the labs, production facilities, and the Nevada National Security Site. At each location, leading-edge research and development is carried out on key national security technologies critical to the United States and its allies. Programs include science, technology, and engineering essential to sustaining the nation's arsenal of nuclear weapons, plus a wide array of work on other efforts for the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, among others, plus exquisite support to the Intelligence Community.

Army Medical Department Internship Program (AMEDDIP)

  • The Office of the Army Surgeon General sponsors this program. Cadets are assigned to Medical Department Activities (MEDDAC) and Medical Centers (MEDCEN). The purpose of the AMEDDIP is to offer a Cadet insight into the Army Medical Facilities and exposure to leadership in the medical arena. Cadets are assigned to a preceptor and work under their direct supervision and direction of an AMEDD officer.

Engineer Internship Program (EIP)

  • This internship is sponsored by the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE). This program is sponsored and funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Cadet will typically work in USACE District (Battalion or Brigade Command equivalent, usually in a resident office (construction office) working on civil, mechanical, electrical, or environmental engineering projects. Districts are located all across the US (36 Districts), and OCONUS (5 Districts). Projects support US Army or Air Force installations (military construction) or state and local communities (civil works-dams, levees, navigation, etc.).

Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP)

  • Cadets with an Academic Major of Nursing are the only Cadets eligible to apply for this program. Cadets are assigned to Army Medical Facilities both in the continental United States (CONUS) and outside the continental United States (OCONUS) including Europe. NSTP provides nursing Cadets with opportunities to develop and practice leadership in a clinical environment. Cadets work side-by-side with an Army Nurse Corps Officer preceptor. To qualify, Cadets must submit an application packet through their Brigade Nurse counselor to the Cadet Command Chief Nurse.