Stay in the Know With Your Chapter!
To receive event invitations and news for your city be sure to update your email and address in VUconnect and don't forget to connect on Facebook and Instagram.
Welcome to the NC Triangle! Our chapter includes members from Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and the surrounding areas. With over 1,400 alumni in this area, we have a strong community of Dores in the NC Triangle.
Our chapter events have included Vanderbilt professor lectures, outings to local museums, game viewings, service projects and much more. These events are open to anyone associated with the Vanderbilt community, including alumni, spouses, current students, parents of students and friends.
Interested in joining the email list to receive more information on upcoming events in our area? Be sure your email and mailing addresses are current on VUconnect. You can also join us on Facebook!
We hope you will come out to the next NC Triangle event!
Go Dores!
To receive event invitations and news for your city be sure to update your email and address in VUconnect and don't forget to connect on Facebook and Instagram.