Student workers celebrated with special day

The nearly 170 student library employees who work at the nine libraries on campus were thanked by Dean Connie Vinita Dowell and leaders from undergraduate and graduate student government. Each student worker received a certificate of appreciation and a small gift. A lobby photo display honored the students’ efforts.
“It was a fun, festive event,” library worker and Divinity student Eric Burton-Krieger said. “There was a lot of staff there, so the students felt appreciated and recognized.”
Burton-Krieger, who has worked in the government information and media services section for more than two years, says the library job meshes well with his studies. “I work a lot of evening and weekend hours, and they’re flexible when a big project is due.”
The idea for the appreciation event bubbled up through the many focus groups initiated by the dean over the last year. “The libraries would not run without our student workers,” Dowell said. “They are key players on our team, and it’s important to me that they be recognized.”