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Library survey early step in planning process

Posted by on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 in News, Winter 2010.

The library recently asked students, faculty and staff to evaluate the library and share their input on the library’s services and collections as an early step in planning the expansion and renovation of the library.

About 2,300 people completed the survey, with graduate students making up nearly a third of the respondents. The survey, used at libraries across the country, was also given in 2002 and 2006.

Early analysis of the results showed that the library’s customer service rated well. The library improved its ratings with expanded business hours and better electronic access to its holdings. The results also show that the libraries’ facilities are a concern to users, especially in the “comfortable and inviting location” category. Some improvements were noted due to completed renovation projects in the Divinity, Peabody, Management, and Science and Engineering libraries.

“These survey results are an important first step in planning a destination library,” Dean Connie V. Dowell said. “We know our students and faculty are looking for comfortable, inviting places to meet and study and that’s important to us, too. We’re committed to meeting the fast-changing needs and demands of our students and faculty and look forward to the next steps in our planning process.”
