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Library Events

Posted by on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 in News, Winter 2010.

Dean of Libraries Connie V. Dowell and her husband, Stephen Miller, hosted the San Diego alumni chapter at their home there in May. Chapter President Ted Wilson (BA’81) and Cecelia Tichi, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of English, welcomed the crowd and introduced the newly appointed dean.
The Metro New York Vanderbilt Alumni Chapter hosted a reception in July at New York City’s Grolier Club. Guests enjoyed hearing from Dean Connie V. Dowell and touring the Grolier Club New Member Exhibit that included some of Dean Dowell’s rare books. Pictured are current parent Dr. Florence Milch, Harry Lewis (JD’77), Dean Dowell (MLS’79), Martin Valk (BA’85) and Chapter President Kendall Morrison (BA’04).
Joanne Fleming Hayes opens a carton of the Barry Moser collection at the box opening party hosted by Dean Dowell and Provost Richard McCarty. Funds from the Sam M. Fleming Southern Civilization Collection, a gift from Hayes’ father, were used to make the Moser purchase.
