Vanderbilt believes that intentional and mutually beneficial educational networks among students, faculty and staff create a residential collegiate experience that rests on discovery, creative inquiry and engaged citizenship. Vanderbilt residential colleges promote the development of intellect, community, personal well-being, self-discovery and cultural awareness.
Mastering a course of study that will prepare students for professional, community and civic affairs while cultivating a capacity for lifelong learning.
In the first year, Vanderbilt helps students acquire an appreciation for intellectual discovery and creativity outside the bounds of the formal academic curriculum, which contributes to academic engagement and success. In their second year students are supported in refining their academic passions and questions through intentional engagement with faculty and campus resources.
Interacting with others outside of students’ primary peer groups with civility, curiosity and respect.
In their first year, students actively engage in building healthy communities on their floors, in their houses, on The Ingram Commons and within the university. In the second year they work on cultivating intentional relationships that foster opportunities for meaningful engagement with a diverse peer group, community building and leadership development.
Aligning students’ values and commitments with their daily lives.
For the first year, this means helping students clarify their own ethical, spiritual and civic personal values through self-discovery. In the second year, focus shifts to affirming or redefining personal goals through careful reflection of value systems and wider social dynamics.