general style of the CDC is similar to the one treated in The Chicago
Manual of Style (13th ed.) as style B (16.5). Questions of detail not
covered in this document should be checked with The Chicago Manual of Style
(13th ed) under examples of style B.
Contents: 1. Abbreviation; 2. Cross-References; 3. Notes; 4. Languages; 5. Appropriate
Phrases and Formulas; 6. Capitalizations;
7. Abbreviations; 8. Short Bibliography.
The abbreviations for biblical books should be as follows in the table under 6. Abbreviations for other ancient texts, modern periodicals or series, and standard reference works will not be used in the Dictionary itself, because it does not include bibliographies. Thus, if one refers to an ancient work, one must give a title that can be readily found in a library catalog, even though, for space reasons, in many instances this title will not be the complete one.
for other ancient texts, modern periodicals or series, and standard reference
works will be used as needed in the Web-based
Bibliography of the
Exceptionally, for chapter(s) use "chap(s)." and for verse(s) use "v(v)." both being followed by a period (see JBL "Instructions" 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4). But in most case a biblical reference should follow the following models:
Gen 9:8-17 (not 9:8ff = be specific) or vv. 8—17
Matt 5:1—
Or Matt 5—7 or chaps. 5—7
abbreviations "i.e." and "e.g." should not be followed by a
Related Entries should be signaled in the body of the entry with an * after the word designating the entry. A few essential cross references may be listed at the end of the entry between parentheses: “(see also xxxxx).”
There will be NO
footnotes, no endnotes and no references to a bibliography, except for ancient
texts. Entries on figures (authoritative
women and men who belong to history) are the only one that will include an
abbreviated bibliography, listing only the works discussed (not necessarily
complete titles; short titles—just enough to find in an on-line library
catalog—made understandable for English speaking readers – so most often titles
in translation) and the dates of these works.
(See Template # 7.)
to the fact that the CDC is aimed at readers in a diversity of fields,
students, and lay people one cannot presuppose that a great diversity of
languages can be easily read by everyone.
from foreign language sources (including Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Coptic, Latin,
German, French, Spanish sources, to name a few) are to be limited to a minimum
and must be translated in English.
Parenthetical phrases or words in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Syriac, and other languages using non-roman scripts will be exceptional and should be transliterated. For the proper way to transliterate Greek and Hebrew, click on the following links:
C.E. (Christian/Common Era) rather than AD
B.C.E. (Before the Christian/Common Era) rather than BC
Hebrew Bible (= HB) is preferred to “Old Testament”; yet, from a Christian perspective, the designations Old Testament (= OT) and New Testament (= NT) are appropriate.
inclusive language will be used for humans; various
techniques can be used without compounded forms such as the awkward “she/he”; in
English, this is facilitated by the inclusive character of plural forms. Although we respect self-representation of
the traditions, we strongly encourage, whenever possible, the use of inclusive language
for God (avoiding the use of pronominal forms, by repeating the name “God”; by
saying “God-self” instead of “himself”).
The CDC is committed to “self representation,” allowing contributors to emphasize the features of Christianity that are most significant in their own tradition. This also means that all its entries need to remain descriptive. In other words, the contributors are asked to avoid apologetic statements and absolute claims (non-falsifiable statements), for instance by making explicit that “X (a particular group a person) believes that…” or “X reports that….”
More generally:
The title or qualification “saint” will be avoided. When it is used it must be qualified: “e.g. viewed as a saint by.” (Do not forget that in quite a few cases, persons viewed as saints by one group are viewed as evil or heretic by another group.)
Conversely, contributors are asked to avoid demeaning or demonizing descriptions of other Christian persons, groups, or movements and of other religions. Demeaning, demonizing, or simply belittling vocabulary must be avoided when possible. When it must be used it should be qualified:
The designation “heretic” will be avoided. When it is used it must be qualified: “e.g. viewed as a heretic by…” (see entry *Heresy*). (The problem is that a “heretic” for a group/church might be a “Saint” for another group/church.)
The designation “syncretistic” will
be avoided. Use instead “inculturated”
or the like. When it is used, it should be made clear that key features of
Western Christianity are themselves syncretistic (see Easter*; Christmas*, as
well as many aspects of Western theology (e.g., borrowed from Greek
Examples of possible alternate vocabulary:
Instead of "pagan," use "polytheist"
(but awkward in ancient and medieval contexts)
Instead of "extreme," use "rigorous,"
"rigorist," "consistent."
God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Christ, Lord, etc. are capitalized; but avoid designating God with personal pronouns (he, him); in this case no capitalization of he or him.
Bible is capitalized, but adjective are not (‘biblical”)
or Historical Epochs are capitalized: Middle
Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment,
are capitalized:
Charismatic Movement, Diphysite and Monophysite, Adventism, Adventist, Lutheran, Calvinist, Reformed, Catholic,
Methodist (as designation of the churches or movements); but the adjective “charismatic” or
“reformed” or “catholic” as a qualifier
without exclusive reference to a movement/church are not capitalized.
7. ABBREVIATIONS. Very few abbreviations will be used:
Cen Century (20th cen)
NT New Testament
OT Old Testament (when these books are envisioned as Christian Scriptures)
HB Hebrew Bible (when these books are not envisioned as Christian Scriptures)
HB/OT Hebrew Bible / Old Testament
Gen Genesis
Exod Exodus
Lev Leviticus
Num Numbers
Deut Deuteronomy
Josh Joshua
Judg Judges
Ruth Ruth
1-2 Sam 1-2 Samuel
1-2 Kgdms 1-2 Kingdoms (LXX) 1-2 Kgs1-2 Kings
3-4 Kgdms 3-4 Kingdoms (LXX)
1-2 Chr 1-2 Chronicles
Ezra Ezra
Neh Nehemiah
Esth Esther
Job Job
Ps/Pss Psalms
Prov Proverbs
Eccl Ecclesiastes (or Qoheleth)
Song Song of Songs (Song of Solomon, or Canticles)
Isa Isaiah
Jer Jeremiah
Lam Lamentations
Ezek Ezekiel
Dan Daniel
Hos Hosea
Joel Joel
Amos Amos
Obad Obadiah
Jonah Jonah
Mic Micah
Nah Nahum
Hab Habakkuk
Zeph Zehaniah
Hag Haggai
Zech Zechariah
Mal Malachi
NT New Testament
Matt Matthew
Mark Mark
Luke Luke
John John
Acts Acts
Rom Romans
1-2 Cor 1-2 Corinthians
Gal Galatians
Eph Ephesians
Phil Philippians
1-2 Thess 1-2 Thessalonians
1-2 Tim 1-2 Timothy
Titus Titus
Phlm Philemon
Heb Hebrews
Jas James
1-2 Pet 1-2 Peter
Jude Jude
Rev Revelation
Apocrypha and Septuagint
Bar Baruch
Add Dan Additions to Daniel
Pr Zaar Prayer of Azariah
Bel Bel and the Dragon
Sg Three Song of the Three Young Men SusSusanna
1-2 Esd 1-2 Esdras
Add Esth Additions to Esther
Ep Jer Epistle of Jeremiah
Jdt Judith
1-2 Macc 1-2 Maccabees
3-4 Macc 3-4 Maccabees
Pr Man Prayer of Manasseh
Ps 151 Psalm 151
Sir Sircah/Ecclesiasticus
Tob Tobit
There will be NO
bibliography in the volume of the CDC.
Yet, there will be a Web-based Bibliography of the
Bibliographical entries should be
as full as possible. Give full first names of authors, give names of editors
and translators, give full series information, full
publication data.
When the
bibliography is for an entry on an author, the bibliography should be in two
Publications by this author (primary
sources; by publication date, from the earliest to the latest work)
Publications about this author
by other persons (secondary sources).
In this "Short Bibliography" (of secondary sources), entries should appear in alphabetical order by author; author's last name should be flush with the left margin, followed by given names; the publication date of the work is given indented under the author's name; the title of the entry is further indented on that same line and this indentation is maintained for as many lines as the title needs. If there is more than one entry for an author, that author's entries should be ordered chronologically from the earliest to the latest work. If there are two or more entries for a single author in a given year, those entries are alphabetized by title, and the letters a, b, c, etc., appended to the year.
If abbreviations are used (for book series, or journal), please also give full name of the title of the Series or of the Journal, so that they might be included in a list of abbreviations.
bibliography use the following order;
books by author in chronological order (from the
earliest to the latest work);
books edited by that author;
books edited by that author and another.
note the following:
At least one given name should be spelled out; if more than one author, the
first is reversed but the others are not (e.g. Smith, Ronald D. and Robert
If this comes before the title of the book, it should appear as "ed."
or "eds." (no parentheses); if after title,
it should be "Ed." which stands for "edited by".
If this comes before the title of the book, it should appear as
"trans." (no parentheses); if after the
title, it should be "Trans." which stands for "translated
use the full title. No commas before series number in either case.
in a book: Following the title of the article or chapter, use: Pp. 245-89 in
Title of Book. Ed. Randal J. Fritz.
of publication: Use the shortest designation, e.g. "Fortress" and not
"Fortress Press." With university presses, use the full designation,
"Harvard University Press" (
title should be in quotes and end with a period; use only volume number and not
part number, e.g. 36 and not 36/3; note that volume number is followed by a
colon, no space, and then page numbers, e.g. 36:41-67. (NOTE: For article in a
Journal, page number is not preceded by Pp.)
numbers: See the Chicago Manual of Style 8.67 and 16.108;
Under 100, use all digits: 3-17, 23-25;
or multiple, use all: 100-103;
to 109, use partial: 104-7, 505-17;
to 199, use two digits: 321-25.
Richard F.
Fire and Iron: Critical Approaches to Njals Saga.
in a series
Beyerlin, Walter
1959 Die Kulttraditionen
Israels in der Verkundigung des Propheten Micha. FRLANT 72.
with Editors
Charles W. and Robert Hodgson Jr., eds.
1986 Nag Hammadi,
Gnosticism, and Early Christianity.
in a Book
Burke O.
1977 "Prophetic Authority as Social Reality." Pp. 3-20 in Canon and
Authority. Ed. George W. Coats and Burke O. Long.
in a Journal
James W.
1978 "The Relocation of the Davidic Capital." JAAR 46:224-44.