1)  TIME-LINES (front of back of the CDC)  (several pages at front and back of the CDC, to represent the history of the different branches of Christianity and their interrelations)



2)  MAPS


a)  MAPS at the Beginning and end of the CDC:


WORLD, CHRISTIANITY IN THE CONTEMPORARY:   A double page map showing the approximate percentage  of Christians (of Muslims, Hindus, etc) of the population of each part of the world and the relative size of the Christian groups in different parts of the world.  (Equivalent to 1600 words) 


WORLD HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY:  A double page map with arrows showing the approximate dates when Christianity arrived and developed in each part of the world.  (Equivalent to 1600 words) referring to a 800 word narrative (in alphabetical order)   


b) MAPS in alphabetical order


AFRICA maps and narrative:  (A double page map and a 800 word narrative)  = equivalent  2400 words

ASIA maps and narrative: (A double page map and a 800 word narrative)  =  equivalent  2400 words

EUROPE, EASTERN historical map and narrative:  (A single page map and a 800 word narrative)  =  equivalent  1600 words

EUROPE, WESTERN historical map and narrative: (A single page map and a 800 word narrative)  =   equivalent  1600 words

LATIN AMERICA historical map and narrative: (A single page map and a 800 word narrative)  =  equivalent  1600 words

MIDDLE EAST historical map (narrative already exists):  (Half a page map) =  equivalent  400 words

NORTH AMERICA historical map and narrative: (A single page map and a 800 word narrative)  =   equivalent  1600 words

PACIFIC ISLANDS AND AUTRALIA  historical and contemporary maps (half a page each;  narrative already exists):  =  equivalent  800 words