The Rise of the Territorial Question

  1. The South and Expansion
  2. The Beginning of Conflict
    1. Texas
    2. The Mexican War (1846-47)
  3. The Crisis of 1846-1850
    1. The Wilmot Proviso (1846)
      1. Background
      2. Southern Reaction--The Territories as "Common Property"
      3. Northern Revolt Against the Democrats--The Free-Soil Party (1848)
    2. California
      1. Free-State Movement
      2. Southern Reaction--The Nashville Convention (1850)
    3. Compromise [for details, see link and the interactive map; click on the map to see changes (Macromedia Flash required)]
      1. CA as a Free State
      2. TX Settlement
      3. "Popular Sovereignty" in the Territories
      4. No Slave Trade in DC
      5. Fugitive Slave Law
  4. The Aftermath
    1. The "Final Settlement"
    2. Seeds of Discord