Slave Culture: Religion

  1. Colonial Slaves and Christianity--Slow Headway
    1. Slaveholder Obstruction
    2. Insensitive Instruction--The Society for the Progagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG)
      1. Catechizing the Slaves--Mumbo-Jumbo
      2. No Positive Benefits
  2. Impact of Evangelical Protestantism
    1. A Better Fit to African Religiosity--The Conversion Experience as Spirit Possession
    2. Salvation as Solvent of Social and Racial Distinctions
  3. Character of Black Christianity
    1. Syncretism
      1. Intimacy of Spirit World--Animism
      2. Worship Practices
        1. Call-and-Response
        2. Rhythm and Song--The "Ring Shout"
    2. Emphasis on Deliverance
      1. From Earthly Burdens
      2. From Injustice--->
    3. Millenialism--Faith in Ultimate Justice in the End Time
      1. Revolutionary Implications--Rebellion as Obedience to God--Nat Turner
      2. Quietist Practice--"Wait on the Lord"