The War for Southern Independence--I

  1. The "Brothers' War"
    1. Confederate States of America
    2. The Union
  2. Initial Balance--Advantages
    1. CSA--A Defensive War
      1. Motivation--Fighting for Home
      2. Territory
        1. Large Extent
        2. Superior Knowledge of Terrain
      3. Strategic Advantages--Interior Lines
    2. Union
      1. Material Edge
        1. Population (21 Million/9 Million [1/3 Slave])
        2. Industrial Capacity (90 Percent of 1860 US)
        3. Virtually All of Prewar Navy
      2. BUT
        1. A War Fought By Men, Not Machines
        2. The Union as "Agrarian," the Confederacy as "Industrial"
  3. The Long Haul--Southern Weaknesses
    1. Quantitative
      1. Manpower
      2. Economic Strength
      3. The Blockade
    2. Structural
      1. Localism
      2. Factionalism
      3. Individualism