To highlight the importance of the natural world, the forest animals indigenous to Endor, the Ewoks, usurp the androids’ position as sidekicks to the rebels, for Lucas seems to question the previously harmonious relationship between man and machine (Drummond 182). Lucas relegates the androids to a passive role in the destruction of the second Death Star. R2 and C-3PO seem out of context in the green forest and away from the corridors of space cruisers. Without the need for technological equipment of Star Wars and Empire, the rebels seem to leave the androids behind. Lucas seems to realize that his mechanical personalities may possess extraordinary talents which humans cannot accomplish, but androids also have limitations. R2 and C-3PO cannot chase the storm troopers on the forest cruisers, but the Ewoks invoke their own method of assisting the rebels. As indigenous creatures, the Ewoks have knowledge of the hidden door to the Imperial blockade operating the energy field surrounding the Death Star. The Ewoks also forfeit blaster and technological weapons for natural firearms like rocks, catapults, and spears. With cunning, the EwoksÂ’ primitive weapons triumph over the Imperial troops proving that nature can prevail over the machine. One critic states “With the battles fought and won, there is no indication of a meaningful role for the two droids in the peaceful world of home and family, where teddy bears and nurseries will presumably replace murderous engagements with killer droids in the corridors of starships” (Drummond 183). Clearly, by having the Ewoks usurp the androidsÂ’ role as the rebelsÂ’ sidekicks, Lucas hints that technological wonder has been replaced by natural life.