A genetic divider


Conrad: The possibility if population eugenics spreads is exactly why eugenics as a whole should not be allowed.  Those who want to pursue population eugenics may be able to do so either by encouraging those interested in individual genetic enhancement to pursue their individual goals, or, by efforts to control or change the overall reproductive behaviors of large numbers of people.  If a dictator wants to create a future population with a higher IQ, programs might be created to discourage people with low IQs from marrying.  The Chinese government passed a law to this effect in 1995 (Site 4).  The same goal can also be reached by discouraging people perceived as having poor genetic endowments from reproducing by changing welfare, housing and educational policies.  Individuals who are against population Eugenics may not even be aware that it is going on around them because a government may disguise the idea as individual eugenics.




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